Training on “Use Care & Maintenance of High-Tech Scientific Instruments” organized at PCSIR-KLC

PCSIR-KLC successfully organized & conducted One Day Training on “Use Care & Maintenance of High-Tech Scientific Instruments” on 19th October, 2023 at lecture hall of KLC.

The training covered HPLC, GC, Mass Spectrometer, Atomic Absorption Spectrometer, FTIR and High-Vacuum Technology. The training focused on working principle of each instrument, hardware components used (instrumentation) and repair & maintenance techniques.

Around 16nos. of participants including professionals and students from various universities and industry attended the training program. Six numbers of lectures were given on the above mentioned instruments. During the training session, a virtual mode live demonstration (on multimedia screen) was also given on GC, HPLC, uHPLC, and GC-MS, i.e. an expert present in the laboratory was taken live on video-link at lecture-hall of KLC, for demonstration on instruments and answering questions. The training was organized and conducted by APC&IC and MIS team of KLC.

Dr. Hafiz Rub Nawaz, Director General PCSIR Labs. Complex, Karachi, presided the event. He gave thought provoking speech on the current challenges of industry and the skills required to overcoming it. D.G-KLC distributed certificates and appreciated the efforts of speakers and organizing committee.
Dr. Razia Sultana, Director (P&D-KLC), concluded the training program and talked about the importance of scientific & laboratory instruments especially their care & maintenance. She appreciated the participant’s interest and attention during the whole intensive one-day training program.