PCSIR held 4th Workshop on “Use Care & Maintenance of Scientific & Laboratory Instruments”

Research & Development in a country greatly depends on Scientific & Laboratory Instruments. Their optimal and efficient use with maintenance is of great importance which leads to sustainable R&D Program. These instruments are mainly imported and consume huge foreign exchange. In addition, the after sale service is another uncertain financial burden on R&D Programs. This issue is realized by PCSIR-Karachi to play a vital role for skill development in these instruments especially the use, care and maintenance. In this connection a 6th Training Program has been successfully organized and conducted on May 29 & 30, 2024. Twenty six participants from industry, academia and research institutes were participated in the event. The training covered HPLC, GC, GC-Mass Spectrometer, Atomic Absorption Spectrometer, FTIR, High-Vacuum Technology, Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) and General Repair & Maintenance Techniques. The training consist of eight lectures delivered by Mr. Faisal Ghazanfar, SSO, Dr Abid Karim, SSO, Mr. Arif karim, PSO and Dr. Sofia. Khalique Alvi, CSO. The training focused on working principle of each instrument, hardware components with repair & maintenance techniques.

Dr. Hafiz Rub Nawaz, Director General and Dr. Razia Sultana, Director P&D presided over the event and took feedback from the participants regarding their experiences. The participants appreciated the training program and asked to continue such activities as skills are limited in the field of instrumentation. The event was concluded with the distribution of certificates among the participants. The efforts of speakers and organizing committee were appraised.