Pakistan Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (P.C.S.I.R) Laboratories is the prime scientific organization conducting R&D on various projects of national importance and commercialization of self-developed products in Pakistan.
Development of low cost Laboratory equipment & their commercialization was initiated through a STED Project with the approval of the Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of Pakistan in the year 2002. The aim and objective of the project was the creation of local facilities for the development and fabrication of laboratories equipment as an import substitute. Centre for Development of Laboratory Equipment (CDLE) of PCSIR Labs. Complex, Karachi has developed various laboratory equipment which are being used in different R&D organizations, Educational Institutions and in quality control labs of different industries, which are well supported by our back up services.
Updated now, a large number of different scientific instruments, developed by these labs, have been fabricated & supplied to many clients on demand. As regarded with price, PCSIR developed equipment are 15 – 25% cheaper than the imported equipment. A handsome part of our precious Foreign Exchange may thus be saved annually by providing an equally good import substitute within the country. All of the identified products have been commercialized and supplied to assorted clients upon request. All of these products have been imported by educational institute, R&D organization, Production Industries etc. from different origin and brands. In order to supplement their needs in budget allocation constrained for buying costly exported Scientific laboratory equipment, PCSIR (KLC) make efforts with their scientists and technologists which leads to a breakthrough in the form of production of scientific laboratory equipment
Government of Pakistan has awarded a PSDP Project of Rs.37.6 million to these laboratories for the development of Electro-medical Equipment which are presently in various stage of development in PCSIR Labs. Complex, Karachi (KLC). Presently CDLE is involved in repairing of Electro-Medical Equipment for the last two years and the researchers have provided alternate solutions and necessary modification as per client’s demands. Once getting know-how from repair work the researchers are confident and capable to develop following Electro-Medical Equipment.
At CDLE (KLC) facilities for repair of the following Electro-Medical Equipment are available
- Diathermy
- Difibrillator
- Blood Pressure Monitors
- Pulse Oximeter
- ECG Machine
- Infusion Pumps
- Baby Warmer
- Baby Incubator
- Multiparameter Monitors
- Ballon Pump
- Sternal Raw
- Hypo Thermia Machine
- Fibrillator
- Centrifuge
- Cool Incubators
- Blood Shakers
- Auto Clave
- Exercise Tolerance Test
- Tense Meter
- OT Lights
Analytical Testing Services at CDLE
- Diathermy
- Difibrillator
- Blood Pressure Monitors
- Pulse Oximeter
- ECG Machine
- Infusion Pumps
- Baby Warmer
- Baby Incubator
Internees training is available for electronics and electro medical instrumentation
Laboratory Equipment (Already Commercialized)
S.# | Equipments | Model No. |
1 | Conductivity meter (Digital) | CMD-1/02 |
2 | pH meter (Digital) | pHD-1/02 |
3 | Electrophoresis Apparatus (Digital) | DEP-1 |
4 | Water De-ionizer | WDI-1/02 |
5 | Cool Incubator +04 O C – +40 OC | CIN-1/02 |
6 | Cool Incubator – 10 O C – +50 OC | CIN-2/01 |
7 | Portable pH meter (Digital) | PPM-401 |
8 | UPS IKVA | UPS-1040 |
Electro-Medical Equipment (Ready for Commercialization)
S.# | Equipments | Model No. |
1 | Baby Warmer | B09W-1 |
2 | Infant Incubator | INCU01-10 |
3 | Centrifuge Machine | LABCENT 5000 |
4 | Suction Machine | SM11-X |