PCSIR organizes Training on “Use Care & Maintenance of Scientific & Laboratory Instruments”

Scientific and laboratory instruments play vital role in economic development of a country. These instruments are widely used in various industrial sectors such as Textile Pharmaceutical, Chemical and Test & Analysis Laboratories. These instruments are mainly imported which consumes huge foreign exchange. Another challenge is the use, care and maintenance which require skilled manpower. This issue is realized by PCSIR-KLC and taking as national interest.

In this connection PCSIR-KLC organized and conducted a training program on “Use Care & Maintenance of Scientific & Laboratory Instruments” on 24 and 25 January, 2024 at lecture hall of KLC. Around 24Nos. of participants from various fields of life attended the training program.

The training covered HPLC, GC, Mass Spectrometer, Atomic Absorption Spectrometer, FTIR, High-Vacuum Technology, Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) and General Repair & Maintenance Techniques. Mr. Faisal Ghazanfar, SSO, Dr Abid Karim, SSO, Mr. Arif karim, PSO and Dr. Sofia. Khalique Alvi, CSO delivered lectures.

The training focused on working principle of each instrument, hardware components used (instrumentation) and repair & maintenance techniques. Around 24nos. of participants registered and attended the training program. There were 15nos. of students, 07nos. of professionals from various universities, industry and 2Nos. of PCSIR-KLC Employees. The training was conducted from 9:00AM to 1:00PM with 8nos. of lectures.

DG-KLC (Dr. Hafiz Rub Nawaz) and Director P&D (Dr. Razia Sultana) presided the event. DG-KLC and Director P&D distributed certificates among the participants and asked about feedback. The participants appreciated the training program. In addition, DG-KLC and Dir-P&D appraised the efforts of speakers and organizing committee.