Delegation from the CAB International Visited PCSIR Labs. Complex, Karachi

A delegation from the CAB International (CABI) and Asian Development Bank (ADB), lead by Project Manager, Dr. Kazam Ali with four other specialists in the field of Plant Protection, visited PCSIR Laboratories Complex, Karachi on January 26, 2024.

The Director General of PCSIR Laboratories Complex, Karachi, Director P&D, OIC-I.L.O, HOCs of FMRRC and CES warmly welcomed the delegation. The purpose of visit is get to know about PCSIR-Karachi existing lab facilities for the testing of MRL level of pesticides, aflatoxins and heavy metals in food commodities particularly for exports e.g. rice. Dr. Sohail Shaukat, SSO delivered a short presentation regarding the existing facilities and expertise in KLC related to delegation interest.

During the visit, CABI / ADB members witnessed the facilities available at PCSIR Labs Complex-Karachi. They showed great interest in laboratory equipment, including testing facility of aflatoxin, MRL and heavy metals at PCSIR Labs Karachi.